
Anneli's 100-days party

Unfortunately, we have no pictures because Anneli was sick. Other reasons:
  • Annoying little brats stomping up and down the stairs while she was trying to sleep.
  • Relatives and non-relatives alike asserting their expertise in child rearing.
    • Feverish baby in long sleeves being smothered in a blanket.
    • Tired, feverish baby smothered in a blanket being passed around.
    • Tired, feverish smothered baby passed around and prodded.
  • Dad was not camera ready. :| Boo.
My cousin took some pictures, which he says aren't very good, but hopefully he'll send them to me anyway.


Anneli playing and hiccuping

Anneli likes watermelon

I shot this two weeks ago at my parents' house.


Fourteen weeks

Anneli has been sick the last two days. Seems like a cold, but she has been extremely fussy and inconsolable at times. She's probably feeling miserable and doesn't know how else to deal with it. (Well, of course.) She got up twice last night, which she hasn't done since she was a few weeks old. I called her doctor's office, and a nurse told me to give her some infant Tylenol drops. Hopefully she starts to feel better. In general, she's kept me so busy the last two weeks that I haven't been able to post any pictures, let alone retrieve them from the camera. (I got a new camera for Mother's Day, by the way.)

Tomorrow is Anneli's party. Yay! My father-in-law is driving down for the weekend. I'm sure he's excited to see Anneli again. He hasn't seen her since April.


Twelve weeks

Today, my parents gave Anneli a little bit of watermelon to suck on. She sucked it dry. It also made her stop crying. I took a video of her so Ryan could see, I'll have to remember to show it to him later. :)


Child dedication ceremony

My parents' pastor held a "child dedication" ceremony yesterday at the church. We didn't really have a say in it, but I figure, I'll let my parents get it out of their system. Besides, they watch Anneli during the week, the least I can do is humor them. We didn't actually get any pictures while we were there, but we did take a few before we left. Anneli wore a cute white dress trimmed in yellow, with little lambs along the bottom.

Sunny day outing

The other day, the weather was so beautiful, we decided to take Anneli out for a little bit.