


We've been lucky not to have had any poo accidents like we did when she was little. Because the consistency of the poo was similar to ketchup, it would shoot up the back of her butt and out the top of the diaper. It also didn't help that she would use all her might to force it out.

Until today.

I didn't hear any grunting or the usual toot. Instead, she got whiny, which I thought meant she had peed. As soon as I opened the diaper--and for some reason, there was no smell--I was horrified. Everywhere, all over, front to back. It had even oozed out the leg hole. Cleanup required a bath.

Ugh, what a way to celebrate twenty-four weeks of life.


As Baby gets older, we test foods with her to see what she likes. I suppose at this point, she will eat just about anything put into her mouth. She has taken a liking to Nilla wafers. Here she enjoys the remnants of an apple.

She is also twenty-three weeks today.


So we have returned from our week-long visit to family. Baby spent her twenty-second week eating, pooping, and sleeping, as usual. (By the way, she is quite regular now, which is a vast improvement over the days of waiting for poop. Several times while in NY, she would poop, as if on cue, whenever I handed her to Husband as he rocked on the porch. 'Why do I make her poop?') She (unofficially) weighs about eighteen pounds, according to the Weight Watchers scale we found in the bathroom there.

Her coordination has improved markedly; she can grab things in front of her very well, and she can bring things to her mouth. (But what baby can't?) She still needs help rolling over, but she can get herself up on her arms.

We introduced peas into her diet, which she found objectionable at first, but she grew to like them. She now eats/drinks about eight ounces each time.

But enough of the boring stuff, on to the pictures!

(She attempted to roll while laying in the swing, hence the look of distress.)


Baby is twenty-one weeks now. I confess to a recent bout of laziness, as evidenced by the lack of photos on the blog and the web album. I have taken fewer photos, and I have not uploaded them. Hopefully I will get around to it in about a week and a half, when we return from visiting family.

By the way, she finally laughed today. Really laughed. Not just the funny silent grin. She was entertained by... a green plastic bag. o_O Her laugh is very cute too.


I spent a rare weekday with my little girl today! She's decided she doesn't like eating, apparently. She'll eat a bit, get distracted by her own bodily functions, then quit, and turn into the world's crankiest baby. No fun.

With a baby comes lots of laundry, so we upgraded to new high efficiency machines which arrived today. No more Dreft - we'll see if baby notices the new smell in her clothes. The new machines are quieter, too, so we can get laundry done while she sleeps.


Baby is twenty weeks today. No poo (yet).


Inundated with poo.

Baby has pooped twice today. TWICE. She pooped twice yesterday. Loads of poo after all those days of anxious anticipation of the next poo. The poos smell quite foul now; not quite as foul as Husband's but approaching it.

Had some fun rolling around today. Mom came to visit, so she and Baby were on the floor playing "Roll Baby Over." They both seemed to enjoy it. After a few rolls, Baby seemed to pick up on the game, and she started to twist her body in the direction she had just rolled; she would look at Mom as if waiting for her help. Next thing I know, she'll be crawling, doing drugs, having sex...