
We enter the thirty-seventh week with some fun developments. Baby's top front teeth have started to grow, so she clicks and grinds her teeth, especially when she is trying to sleep. (It's hard to bear when she does it with her head on my shoulder; there's no way to stop her.) Baby has discovered LAUGHING. On Sunday, she was cracking up because Husband was throwing a tiny paper airplane in front of her. All wide-mouthed and goofy. Baby has also decided she wants to be mobile, but she has yet to learn to crawl. She seems resistant to it, since she hates being on her tummy; with some struggle, she can inch backwards and swivel. She tries to move from the sitting position, which only leads to her sprawled face down on the floor with one leg folded beneath her.

We are also approaching Halloween. While she probably won't be awake to do Halloween stuff with other kids, I'm thinking about letting her make an appearance at my parents' church. They are having a party for the kids, a sort of 'it's-not-a-Halloween-party-cuz-we're-Christian-but-it's-Halloween' thing. Dress up Baby in her costume and let people ooh and ahh about how cute she is. (Duh.)


We continue with our thirty-fifth week with more difficulty pooping. Not sure what is causing her constipation, as her diet has not changed. Today she finally got the poop out--several minutes of strained pushing, whining, much assistance on my part--and she even had a really messy poop a few hours later. Hopefully this means the constipation is gone.

It's been all about poop lately, hasn't it? So goes the life of a baby.


Baby plays with her 'twin.'

From Anneli 5

From Anneli 5

From Anneli 5

From Anneli 5

And waiting for Daddy...
From Anneli 5


We marked our thirty-fourth week with a fever. Yesterday morning, Baby woke up flushed and feverish. I mistakenly thought she was just hot from being wrapped in a warm blanket. My assessment of her condition changed as soon as she vomited all of her milk--twice. I considered taking the day off, but I had already put in for leave today, so I drove her to Mom's as usual, hoping for the best. I'm lucky that we have a caretaker we trust blindly; otherwise, I would have stayed home with her. Baby had a pretty awful day, with the fever coming and going and simply not feeling well.

She woke up with a slight fever this morning, but overall, she looked better. She even kept down her milk. I only encountered some difficulty tonight when I tried to feed her, and she was obviously trying to poop. (She had not pooped since two days ago.) I checked her diaper but saw nothing; however, she kept pushing and whining. I knew she was probably constipated, and the harder she pushed, the more she whined. I gave her a hand--push her knees up, spread the cheeks--and slowly but surely, the poo came out in solid clumps that I can only describe as 'floaters.' (Haha.) After another fifteen seconds of straining, she got out the last of it, poor thing. Perhaps she was too tired to eat after that; she just wanted to sleep. I can still hear her sighing as she tries to fall asleep. Too cute.

I do wonder how she will respond to seeing Husband come home tomorrow. Hopefully he will try to get here before she falls asleep. (That means you have to get up and on the road early, Husband.)


MySpace baby.

From Anneli 5

And the 'I think I pooped' face.

From Anneli 5
From Anneli 5

From Anneli 5
From Anneli 4

From Anneli 4
From Anneli 4


Our love bug is thirty-three weeks.

From Anneli 5