
Birthday party was fun! Baby decided to stay up and play with everyone... until 9:00pm. (She should have been asleep at 6:00pm. She woke up from her last nap at 2:00pm.) Baby was shy around the adults, but she tried very hard to get the kids to play with her.

There is a Korean tradition of 'predicting' what Baby will do with her life based on her choice of three items: money, a notebook and pencil, or a skein of thread. (I don't know what it's actually called.) Whichever the Baby picks is supposed to determine her future. Money means wealth, the notebook and pencil means education, and the thread means a long life. (I'm not sure why these things should be mutually exclusive.) First, Baby went right for the notebook and pencil. My cousin commented, 'Just like you. Oh well.' (Thanks...?) Next, she grabbed the money--a $100 bill in each hand. Then, she dropped a bill and picked up the pencil again. I really don't think her choices mean anything, but apparently she will be a wealthy academic. I have no problem with that!

Pictures from yesterday will come soon. My parents have the pictures on their camera.

Today, Baby helped me do laundry!

And just for fun, this is Baby giggling at Husband.


Fifty-two weeks today, which means tomorrow... Baby is one! :) What a year it has been.

And thank you to family who have wished her a happy birthday!


Fifty-one weeks today! Only one more week until we hit the big... one! :P


Fifty-weeks and two days. That leaves less than two weeks before Baby is one! A list of developments:
  • Baby can dance! She wiggles her butt and bounces up and down when she hears music. She loves "Jack's Big Music Show" on Noggin.
  • Baby loves Hello Kitty, as evidenced below. She points at all the Hello Kitty paraphernalia around the house.
  • Baby waves hello and goodbye, and is in the process of learning to blow kisses.
  • Baby loves classical music. Often, she will wave her arms around like she is conducting the music herself.
  • Baby has a new car seat so she can face forward and see out the window better.
  • Baby will be potty training with Grandma.
We will be having a birthday party at my parents' house in two weeks. Just family. It is scheduled to start at 6:00pm, and I'm hoping Baby will not fall asleep at her usual time that night. That way family can at least see her for a short time before she gets cranky.

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7