
Baby has not been feeling well... Yesterday, she began running a fever. We had an interesting evening--I tried to cool her down with a cold towel, and she refused to have anything to do with that. I thought maybe I would be more successful with a cool bath, but she didn't expect the water to be cool. She ended up falling asleep, but she woke up with a fever again. I thought about taking the day off, but she's in good hands. I hope she's doing better today.


I forgot to mention that Baby can now take a few steps on her own! Waiting to get some better video of her toddling. She still prefers to hold someone's hand, but she will slowly walk to the wall or the table if she's close enough.


Spent the day at the zoo. Baby enjoyed the alpacas. We didn't get to pet any but they sure looked fuzzy. Baby had an opportunity to pet a goat, but she wanted no part in that.

We also had spaghetti for dinner. Baby had her first taste.

And some other pictures from the week--

And tomorrow, we will complete sixty weeks of poopy diapers.


Videos as promised.


Baby and I had an uneventful fifty-ninth Friday to ourselves. We took some more pictures--well, I took pictures of her. Here are some from yesterday afternoon and today.

Some fun videos too. Will upload later.