This picture is from last night. I was making dinner, and she dragged her floatie into the kitchen and lounged in it.

I am not concerned. Not to sound crass or indifferent, but childhood scrapes happen. It's nothing to cry about. Babies will fall and hurt themselves, and later have scars to show their friends. I know a few other mothers who would have wailed the entire way to the hospital and demanded immediate attention in the emergency room. There wasn't enough damage to warrant a hospital trip. Just some painkiller, tissues, and a nap.
Anyway, let's add to our vocabulary:
- ai-poh (airplane) - she will drop whatever she is doing at the sound of an overhead plane. She will point out airplanes miles away that appear as mere specks to the uncaring adult eye.
- bee
- wow (Wow Wow Wubbzy)
- fwow (flower)
- fwuh (frog)
- fwy (butterfly)
- shee (sit)
- no
- kka-kka (quack quack)
- ma - she uses this to refer to four different things: monkey, money, shoes, and socks. The Korean for socks is yang mal, which we used a lot when she first started wearing shoes. She incorrectly understood that to mean shoes.
- bana has become balalala... (for banana) - she says this as she sticks out her tongue and rolls it across her lips. She refers to anything with a similar shape a banana (like squash, eggplant, and peppers).
- apple refers to any food that is spherical.
- orse (horse)