
Anneli was sitting on the bed, and she got up to move. There was a fairly large bread crumb where her butt had been. I told her she had pooed, and she must have believed me. She asked, "Is there a hole in my pants, did it come out of there?" Good times.


Eric is definitely going to be a big boy. He long ago outgrew the newborn-sized clothes, and is now on his way to outgrowing the 3-months clothes, too. There are still some outfits he has yet to wear! He is noticeably more clingy than Anneli was, perhaps because he and I had regular contact in the hospital. (Anneli was in the NICU.) Eric always wants to be cradled and cannot seem to fall asleep on his own, if he hasn't already passed out from eating. We joke that he's like a baby rhesus monkey, but you'd never know the difference. (Maybe because of all the monkeys on his clothes?)


Milestone: Eric 1 month

Weight: 10.5 lbs
Head: 15 in.
Chest: 15 in.
Length: 21 in.

Eric is growing very fast, more so than Anneli for sure. He had a one pound advantage over her at birth, and he has outpaced her in his weight gain in the first month. Dr. T informed us that Eric has a tongue tie, which could cause some speech difficulties later (most notably a lisp). She said it isn't absolutely necessary to have it corrected right now, but Dr. E said we should get it done sooner rather than later. Eric has an appointment to see an ENT doctor in April.