
Milestones: Anneli 4, Eric 1

I've got to get better about posting on time.

So, both of the babies had their birthdays this month, and we also conducted our annual visit to the pediatrician. Our stats are below:

Eric: weight - 25 lbs.; height - 30 in.; head - 19 in.
It seems Eric has actually lost weight, although you can't tell by holding him. It certainly feels like he weighs 50 lbs. He didn't cry during his physical as he has done in the past; he was actually cheerful and laughed when the doctor was examining him. She declared him very healthy and definitely happy.

Anneli: weight - 38 lbs.; height - 42.5 in.
I don't know how it's even possible for both of my children not to have gained any weight! Anneli weighs a ton, too. She did grow a few inches, as evidenced by the sudden shortness of her pants; she is wearing a size 5, and even that she is ready to outgrow soon. I guess Anneli got her height gene from Husband, and Eric from me.

Both of them had some booster shots, and they both cried terribly. Of course, Anneli cried even more because Eric started crying. "We are both crying!" according to Anneli.

Eric hasn't started walking yet. In fact, when we put him on his feet, he throws his head back and goes limp, as he whines to be picked up. He does, however, enjoy pushing around Anneli's little shopping cart and doll stroller. He also pushes around his Lightning McQueen ride-on car; he prefers that to actually riding on it (he gets off immediately). But you put him on his feet with nothing to push? Forget it. We did get him some shoes--very cute, by the way!--and he's gotten used to having them on his feet. He cried the first few times, but he doesn't mind anymore.

Anneli is working on learning to read. She recognizes several dozen short words, and she's figuring out how to sound out new ones. She is also working on basic addition and subtraction; she can do calculations up to 10 using her fingers. She can count past 100 now. She is also working on Korean; she can write her name in Korean (한별), and she recognizes Eric's name (한섭) and some other words. I think we've got a smarty on our hands.


I'm pretty sure your child is a brat.

Mine are definitely not. They behave. They don't scream in public. They are polite to adults and other children.