
Weight: 18 lbs.
Height: 27 in.
Head: 16 in.
Chest: 16.5 in.

I'm pretty sure the chest measurement is incorrect, considering Baby was screaming and heaving. Her appointment turned into quite an event--screaming, tears, kicking. She also got three vaccines. All the pain on top of being hungry and tired made for a pretty unhappy Baby.

I discovered today that she has learned to sit up on her own. She is still wobbly, but she can hold her arms out to the side and balance herself for a short time. They grow so fast.



Baby is twenty-seven weeks! And also six months. (Thank you Daddy.) She has gotten over the scream-when-I-see-the-grandparents thing, which is a relief since she spends most of her waking hours there during the week. I love watching her smile when I walk in the door to pick her up. We're still waiting for the vocal laugh, but we'll get there. For now, the ear-to-ear grin is quite fine. :)

Doctor's appointment next Friday. Updated statistics then.


Six months of fun

It feels like we've climbed a little mountain. Six months ago, baby was lying in one of those scary closed incubator things, full of tubes and wires, with doctors telling me the risks of everything under the sun and scaring me to death. Today, she's so happy, and expressive, and curious... and she can hear... all things they told me she might never do. We've taught each other so much. I love my giggly, wiggly baby!


Now we are twenty-five weeks old. (Well, yesterday. I revealed to Husband that I [mistakenly thought] had been marking Baby's age on the wrong day of the week. I was counting each Thursday rather than Friday. 'But she was born on a Thursday,' he said. After several seconds of deep concentration, I realized it was so. So anyway.) Baby is wanting to spend more time sitting and standing but not so much lying on her belly. A story on the radio about baby development being linked to tummy time made me worry she wasn't on her belly often enough. That, taken with the delay in getting up on her arms, compounded my concerns. However, I should keep in mind that babies develop at their own rates...

Looking for new uses for the aspirator...

Trying to figure out a complicated device...

I found it funny that she had her leg straight out to the side and her toes were clinging to the crib bar.

Another attempt, getting closer.

All ready to go for a walk on a beautiful day!


Just a picture...

And a video.