
Video updates! And some snow pictures.


Happy holidays from Baby!

We enter our eighty-ninth week. [At some point, I will have to switch over to months... it's hard to keep track of weeks.] We are spending Christmas and New Year's with the family here! Lots of family, lots of cousins, lots of playmates for Baby.


Baby's Christmas wish list:
  • Any of the Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! DVDs
  • Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Sing a Song CD 
  • Any Wow! Wow! Wuzzby! plush or other toy
(She really loves Wubbzy!)
  • Wooden peg puzzles (like the Melissa & Doug puzzles)
  • building toys (sort of like Tinker Toys or Duplo, hands-on manipulatives to build eye-hand coordination)
  • Play kitchen (Step 2 or Little Tykes)
  • Musical toys (little keyboard, guitar, etc.)
We put together a wish list on Amazon.

Clothes in size 3T (we're already wearing 2T). And gift certificates are always great!


New pictures have been uploaded to the album. Some pictures on the blog may have disappeared because I did a little reorganizing, but the pictures still exist.

Tons of videos have been posted to YouTube as well--they are available under Husband's username.


Updates on Baby have been few and far between... apologies. Life has been rather stressful (mostly at work), and I've had little time to take pictures or post new developments. We are a few days past ninety-two weeks (already!), and Baby is growing fast. Lots of new words--she is counting to ten and knows all of her colors now. She recognizes about 1/3 of the alphabet, although she confuses some of the letters. She has quite the sense of humor and impeccable timing, so life around the house has been rather entertaining and full of laughs. We'll be in New York for Thanksgiving, so I hope to have more pictures and videos to upload upon our return.


We're a few days past eighty-six weeks. Baby went to her second wedding yesterday, this one for my closest (in age) cousin. We are also approaching our second Halloween! We spent some time outside this afternoon, and let our busy little bee play.

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

And some other pics...

[Watching the koi]

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

From Anneli 12

[Playing the "smart kid"]

From Anneli 12

[Looking at pictures]

From Anneli 12

[Don't mess with the Burger King]

From Anneli 12

[Playing "I ran across the bridge, Daddy you run across the bridge now"]

From Anneli 12

[Mesmerized by the ends of the string of Daddy's hoodie]

From Anneli 12


Baby likes to eat watermelon, part 2...

New pictures are posted as well.


Okay, newer pictures are posted--a handful here and the rest here (as they will be from here on out). Both links are also on the right-hand menu. Happy viewing!

A few days beyond seventy-nine weeks...

We went to a 'barbecue' (rained out) at my cousin's house, but the food was good and the company was great. Baby was overwhelmed by the attention from my cousin's two boys (both autistic).

Baby's room is finally painted--something we probably should have completed before she was born, or at least in the weeks following--and it looks great! The brighter color makes her room look bigger, and it is definitely brighter in there. She doesn't seem to notice the difference; I'm not sure she even cares. :)

Pictures later.


Baby is eighteen months now! We had a rather uneventful visit with the in-laws, although the trip to the beach was fairly... memorable--screaming, crying, clinging, all-around embarrassing but still a bit endearing. :)

We have some new vocabulary:
  • cheese (to the camera)
  • tee (tree)
  • go
  • kko-kko (imitating the rooster sound in Korean)
  • kkack (rock... sometimes it sounds like cock)
  • bug
  • [noun] + heh (do in Korean)
Baby is starting to interact with some of her favorite shows. When Kai-lan tickles the sun, Baby will do the hand motions to imitate her. Today, she started clapping her hands and saying "apple" when Ruby and Louise were doing a hand game. She also repeats sounds, like 'whee' and 'ooh.' She has been changing a lot recently, and it's hard to keep up with all the new things she is learning!

Lots of new pictures will be uploaded tomorrow. New pictures will be located here.


Forgot some words:
  • opang to mean open
  • on and off
  • two
And it looks like we will be coming home on Saturday. (Whew.)


Vocabulary update:
  • 'pem' seems to denote crayons, although I'm not sure if it extends to all writing utensils.
  • shoes
  • kkang...but we have no clue what this means
  • 'I don't want to eat it' (in Korean) - well, literally, she says, 'No eat.'
  • pool
  • poon to mean spoon
  • cat
  • peng for penguin
  • Shaking her head and waving her hand while saying, 'Oh, no, no, no.'
  • Yelling at the dog and slapping the floor with her hand (imitation of Grandparents)
  • Spooning water into a bowl (while playing in the tub)
This week, I have been trying to get Baby to get to sleep on her own. Until now, I have always rocked her to sleep, but as she gets older (and heavier), I can't continue doing this. At some point (in the near future, I hope), I am going to be too pregnant to carry her around, and she should get used to this idea now. I had to admit that as much as I want to believe we have not spoiled her, we have in some ways. We've never encouraged her to fall asleep independently.

I should probably get more serious with the potty training as well. She has made it fairly clear that she understands what she is doing, as she will indicate she has peed or pooed (although she will fervently deny it when asked). It has been difficult to get her to stay on the potty, whether she sits on the little one or her little toilet seat (over the big one). Fortunately, we've had a mild summer, so the diaper hasn't caused much annoyance to Baby. However, it will be much easier on me when she can use the potty.

We are going to visit Grampa Connell this week. I'd like for us to stay only until Saturday, mainly because I feel exhausted after a few days. (Being in an unfamiliar place makes Baby picky about her food and especially clingy. As much as I love her hanging on me, she does get heavy and I do miss being able to do things alone.) However, Aunt E has asked us to stay through Sunday to attend a fair, which means we will leave on Monday at the earliest. The thought of another two days is overwhelming...

Baby will be eighteen months this week--what a milestone!


Early eighteen-month physical.

Height: 33in.
Weight: 27lbs.
Head: 19in.
Chest: 18in.

Lots of kicking, screaming, and gagging involved. How embarrassing.


The most recent pictures show terrible scrapes on Baby's face, but nothing to worry about. (Really.) She fell out of the car when the door was opened. It sounds worse than it actually was. She gave Grandma a scare, and neither she nor Grandpa slept well last night. She doesn't seem to be in any pain today, or if she is, it's tolerable. I gave her some ibuprofen this morning.

This picture is from last night. I was making dinner, and she dragged her floatie into the kitchen and lounged in it.

I am not concerned. Not to sound crass or indifferent, but childhood scrapes happen. It's nothing to cry about. Babies will fall and hurt themselves, and later have scars to show their friends. I know a few other mothers who would have wailed the entire way to the hospital and demanded immediate attention in the emergency room. There wasn't enough damage to warrant a hospital trip. Just some painkiller, tissues, and a nap.

Anyway, let's add to our vocabulary:
  • ai-poh (airplane) - she will drop whatever she is doing at the sound of an overhead plane. She will point out airplanes miles away that appear as mere specks to the uncaring adult eye.
  • bee
  • wow (Wow Wow Wubbzy)
  • fwow (flower)
  • fwuh (frog)
  • fwy (butterfly)
  • shee (sit)
  • no
  • kka-kka (quack quack)
  • ma - she uses this to refer to four different things: monkey, money, shoes, and socks. The Korean for socks is yang mal, which we used a lot when she first started wearing shoes. She incorrectly understood that to mean shoes.
  • bana has become balalala... (for banana) - she says this as she sticks out her tongue and rolls it across her lips. She refers to anything with a similar shape a banana (like squash, eggplant, and peppers).
  • apple refers to any food that is spherical.
  • orse (horse)


I'll upload more pictures and post an update on new vocabulary and behaviors later. However, my current Picasa account is near capacity. I'm hoping it will hold up for two more weeks, until Baby is eighteen months. In mid-August, pictures will be available at Anneli's account.

We have completed seventy-six weeks today!


Videos from various dates.






Pictures as promised.

At my friend's wedding...

Solo on the dance floor

I'm not sure why she was upset...perhaps she was confused by the weird ceremony.

Fun in the tub... (Video coming later)

Fun on the swings and other miscellaneous playground apparati...
- At Husband's company picnic

- At Clemyjontri Park

- At Reston Zoo

- Near Grampa Connell's house

- At Chuck E. Cheese for a cousin's birthday

- Playing with a bucket... (Video coming later)

- Just being a baby

Old school Baby

With pigtails