
Vocabulary update:
  • 'pem' seems to denote crayons, although I'm not sure if it extends to all writing utensils.
  • shoes
  • kkang...but we have no clue what this means
  • 'I don't want to eat it' (in Korean) - well, literally, she says, 'No eat.'
  • pool
  • poon to mean spoon
  • cat
  • peng for penguin
  • Shaking her head and waving her hand while saying, 'Oh, no, no, no.'
  • Yelling at the dog and slapping the floor with her hand (imitation of Grandparents)
  • Spooning water into a bowl (while playing in the tub)
This week, I have been trying to get Baby to get to sleep on her own. Until now, I have always rocked her to sleep, but as she gets older (and heavier), I can't continue doing this. At some point (in the near future, I hope), I am going to be too pregnant to carry her around, and she should get used to this idea now. I had to admit that as much as I want to believe we have not spoiled her, we have in some ways. We've never encouraged her to fall asleep independently.

I should probably get more serious with the potty training as well. She has made it fairly clear that she understands what she is doing, as she will indicate she has peed or pooed (although she will fervently deny it when asked). It has been difficult to get her to stay on the potty, whether she sits on the little one or her little toilet seat (over the big one). Fortunately, we've had a mild summer, so the diaper hasn't caused much annoyance to Baby. However, it will be much easier on me when she can use the potty.

We are going to visit Grampa Connell this week. I'd like for us to stay only until Saturday, mainly because I feel exhausted after a few days. (Being in an unfamiliar place makes Baby picky about her food and especially clingy. As much as I love her hanging on me, she does get heavy and I do miss being able to do things alone.) However, Aunt E has asked us to stay through Sunday to attend a fair, which means we will leave on Monday at the earliest. The thought of another two days is overwhelming...

Baby will be eighteen months this week--what a milestone!

1 comment:

  1. And Aunt E appreciates it very very very much and promises to try to entertain Baby at any cost so you can have some free time!!!!

    And "too pregnant"....?????
