
Here are some low-res pictures from Baby's studio session.


Some quick updates:
  • Baby is forty-eight weeks and odd days. Today, she very proudly said 'appa' (dad in Korean) as she crawled toward Husband, finger pointed. (Needless to say, Husband beamed.)
  • Baby also recognizes the word 'baby.' While we were strolling at the mall, she pointed at herself when I said, 'Where's the baby?'
  • Portraits were... hmm, well. It was cold and crowded. Baby was also tired and hungry, despite having taken a nap and eaten. Therefore, she freaked out and cried for ten minutes. She finally calmed down enough that the photographer could snap a few good pics. They came out better than expected. Unfortunately, the pics will not be ready until next week. (I'm not sure why it takes that long to post and print digital pics. Perhaps the next ones we will try another location.)
  • Birthday is planned for Valentine's Day. (Duh.) Just inviting family for dinner at my parents' house, as accommodating guests at ours is not ideal. Husband and I will need to designate a different day to celebrate Valentine's. :)
  • We have the cutest baby in the world.

(You can't really see what's going on with Baby's hair in this picture, but trust me, it's funny. She woke up while sleeping, and her hair was sticking up like a mohawk. She looked like a bird.)
From Anneli 6

From Anneli 6

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7

From Anneli 7


Now we are forty-seven weeks and some odd days, and we are quickly approaching the one-year mark. This weekend, we have an appointment for portraits--just Baby, as I refuse to be professionally photographed with my strange fluffy hair. (Am I the only one that thinks it looks like my hair has a brow?) Baby will be dressed in her pretty pink hanbok, but the real test will be how long she is willing to stay calm wearing it. She also gets anxious with strangers, and I'm hoping she will be okay with sitting by herself.

She was a bit ill this weekend, just a slight fever. She literally clung to me on Sunday, and we just ended up on the couch watching TV together.

What else has she learned? Well, I think she is starting to understand what all her "omma" babbling means. Grandma says Baby will stop in the middle of playing, crawl over to the pictures on the wall, and say "omma" as she points at my picture. Baby also twinkles to music other than "Twinkle Twinkle." She is eating more solid foods now, and she pretty much wants to try anything we eat. She won't eat foods with particularly strong flavors, but she loves lightly flavored foods like mashed potatoes, chicken, and breads. Baby also likes her YoBaby! yogurt. (Very thick, very fatty. Mmm, I think.)

Growing older has also brought on growing pains. Her personality has developed a lot recently, and she is a very picky baby. She is particularly fussy at night sometimes, and she doesn't like to drink breastmilk as much as she used to. I'm going to start her on some whole milk this week and see how she likes it.

Will post her pictures as soon as I can.