
I have not been good about taking pictures lately. I'll try a bit harder this week and weekend. We are now at fifty-six weeks (and some odd days). After celebrating Baby's birthday, she has made some huge leaps and bounds in development (but fortunately, there has been no leaping or bounding yet).

Baby can stand on her own, although she is quick to find a hold as soon as she realizes it. She can also move along a table rather quickly now. Baby practices walking (as she holds both hands), and in the last few days, she has learned to kick a ball as she does. I would very much like her to learn to walk on her own, or at least walk steadily while holding only one hand. This would make my life so much easier, and I'd actually be able to carry things in from the car.

Baby's vocabulary includes four words now (all in Korean): mom, dad, cat, and dog. Unlike some other obsessive and neurotic parents, I am in no rush to push language on her. She will pick it up at her own pace. Of course, I'll keep teaching her names of objects, but I won't repeat it all day until she mimics.

Baby loves vegetable chips. We get a certain type at Giant, which she loves to shove in her mouth, then look up with a "More, please" look. She even holds out her hand. (She gets angry when I say, "No.") She also loves baby cheese doodles (from Gerber). Pretty good, actually.

Pictures to come this weekend.

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