
We're working on the potty training right now, although we've yet to experience success. This morning, Baby--or rather I--gave up after 30 minutes. I put Baby in a pair of underwear and pants. When I told her she had to tell me when she needed to pee, she started to cry, which made her pee. She cried even more when she thought she would get in trouble for wetting herself. :) I hoped she would figure this out quickly much like she does everything else, but no luck there.

Yesterday we spent some time outside and got a few good pictures:

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

And from this past week:

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

From Anneli 14

1 comment:

  1. Your kid is super cute! She reminds me that kids are actually cute and not vomit-inducing like the ones I deal with :D

    I like the new blog layout!
