
Potty training has been an interesting experience. I'm not sure whether to think it has been easy or challenging.

Baby has figured out the peeing part. She is able to pee almost on command now. The first few times (this is only the third day of trying), she would cry when she started to pee; I think she was afraid she would get in trouble for peeing. (She got in trouble the other day because she peed on the couch.) She doesn't cry anymore, which is great. She actually congratulates herself for a job well done. She hasn't had a pee accident since Monday.

The pooping part is proving a bit more difficult. She has not successfully pooped in the toilet yet. She has, however, managed to poop in her underwear several times, each time prompting her to cry hysterically. She frantically asks me to clean the poop and change her pants. Of course, upon getting a whiff of her own poop, she gags violently, which makes her cry even more. She doesn't poop at a regular time--in fact, it's been very irregular in the past week. (It may have something to do with all the major changes in her life.) She had some prunes yesterday and today, so, fingers crossed, she'll poop more regularly. I need to get her on a schedule.

All in all, it hasn't been as trying an experience I thought it would be, but there's no way I could have done this during the school year. Being able to drop everything and just sit in the bathroom for twenty minutes is the only way I could have done this. Whew. Hopefully she'll be completely potty trained by the end of the month.

1 comment:

  1. Potty training! Eeek! Being a mommy sounds exhausting :P
