
The Birth!

Time: 8:29 pm
Weight: 8 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 19 3/4 in.

Just like big sister, Eric decided he just couldn't wait until he was scheduled to arrive. I left work on Wednesday thinking I'd have a lot of time the next morning to get more lessons planned and handouts copied. I decided to leave my books and flash drive on my desk... I should have known better!

I picked up Anneli from daycare and we went grocery shopping. I wanted to stock up on things we (read: Ryan) could whip together easily. We finished with an insane amount of food from Safeway and headed to Costco. On the way, I felt a little strange and thought I might have peed in my pants a little. Not really thinking much of it, I figured I'd just use the restroom at Costco and finish up. Well, as soon as I stepped out of the car, I felt a gush of water. I got back in the car and tried to call Ryan, but my phone wasn't working. I tried several more times with no luck. Luckily, we only live a couple miles from there, so I rushed home and called from the house. I called my mom and my cousin too, just to let them know.

We finally got to the hospital just before 7. I went into triage by myself (no children allowed - Ryan had to wait downstairs with Anneli), and I endured an hour of painful contractions. I wasn't allowed an epidural because I needed a liter of saline in me before they could administer it. I didn't get one until I was already in the OR. From there, things went very smoothly and quickly (unlike the first time, thank goodness). Zero complications and twenty-nine minutes later, baby Eric was born.

Both of us recovered quickly from the birth. Eric was a bit jaundiced, so he spent most of his time under a light in the nursery, but we still got to spend a lot of time with him when he came to my room. Anneli has been enjoying getting to know Eric.

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