
Anneli has obviously inherited her clumsiness from me. She had a rough day yesterday. We were at Target ("red circle shopping") and she ran into the arm of a clothes rack. Banged up her cheek. Later in the evening, she fell face first down a set of stairs and landed on the opposite cheek! Luckily she didn't break a tooth, although there was some bleeding. She had a big lip this morning. She tried to blame me for her falling, said my foot made her fall. She didn't believe me when I said she fell by herself.

So let's update on her newly acquired skills:
- count to one hundred by ones and tens
- write every letter of the alphabet
- write basic words (cat, cow, car, mom, dad, eye, pig)
- spell and write her name and Eric's
- draw flowers, ants, rainbows, suns, people
- using adverbs (definitely, surely)

She can draw people much better now. She now includes a body and limbs, and she adds hair when applicable. ("Oppa, you don't have hair on top.") I should start scanning her pictures so I can show them to her when she's older.

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