
seventeen weeks

The little darling is growing and changing so fast. There have been lots of developments:
  • She smiles immediately when I peek into her crib. She even giggles now.
  • She reaches for a toy if it's lying next to her. Of course, her hand is unsteady, and she has a look of deep concentration.
  • She attempts to grab things in front of her. Last night, she spent a good five minutes holding onto her blue bowl. It was too big for her to hold on her own, but she used both hands to pull it closer to her.
  • She can manipulate things with her hands. She will hold one of her toys and play with it. Most of the time, it ends up in her mouth. She looks for it if she drops it, and reaches to pick it up.
  • She eats rice cereal with her milk. She started two days ago, and she can eat about 4 tbsp. of dry rice mixed with 2 tbsp. of milk. I feed her with a spoon, which she thoroughly enjoys. She even opens her mouth in anticipation.
  • She splashes in the bath. Well, she's actually been doing that for quite some time, but she now laughs when she splashes water all over me.
She has her four-month well appointment today, which means she will be receiving a second round of vaccines. I don't even want to think about the crying. Ugh.

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