
The last few days have been especially trying. Anneli has been unusually weepy--she cries at the drop of a hat. I'm not sure why she's crying, and I don't really know how to handle it. I wonder if she is now feeling jealous of the attention I give Eric.

This morning, I had reprimanded Anneli for her early morning crying fit. Later, as I was getting Eric into the car seat, Anneli walked up and said, "Umma, you are being nice to Eric." I nodded. Then she said, "Umma, you should be nice to Anneli, too." She almost seemed embarrassed by her statement, but she repeated it when I asked her what she meant.

I need to spend some time with just Anneli, but it's difficult to get away from Eric...

1 comment:

  1. Hey its true that Anneli is being jealous, and she want your attention, i think you should give some time to Anneli, i think you can play or be with Anneli when Eric sleeps in the afternoon. this will help for sure...
