
Milestone: Eric 5 months

Eric is now able to roll himself over (but only in one direction). He has been working really hard on accomplishing this, and it's been funny to watch him. He survived a trip to NY (and gave me lots of poop, to boot).

His weight gain seems to have plateaued for now, but he must be close to 20lbs. now! He's just all sorts of fat, especially his legs. My mom asked if he was able to roll over yet (before he was able to do it), and when I said no, my dad chimed in, "Because he's fat!" :)

Compared to Anneli, Eric is very vocal, and very loud. Anneli's vocalizations were soft and feminine, but Eric tends to screech, blabber, and gurgle. He blows raspberries when he's angry, he yells when he's tired, he giggles hysterically when Anneli talks to him. It's fun to see the differences between the two kids, and I wonder if Eric is more vocal because he has another baby talking to him.

I've also been having a little fun with Eric. I put Anneli's Hello Kitty hairband on him. He's so cute! One day, I will show that picture to his fiancee, and he will hate me for it.

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