
Eric now has six teeth, and he is finally crawling. It's still a painstaking effort, but he scoots along. It's uncanny how similar he and Anneli are; Eric is reaching his milestones almost at exactly the same times that Anneli did. Eric just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm sure he's at least 25 lbs. now, if not more. He hasn't started saying words yet, but this week he has been saying, "Uh-oh. Uh-oh." We say that a lot around him, and he seems to have picked it up. He even says it with the same inflections we use.

Anneli got her Christmas presents from us (i.e. parents and grandparents) early, and she's excited about getting more from other family members. She got an InnoTab tablet, which she enjoys, and she got a camera from a cousin. Eric got... nothing. :( My little boy just keeps getting the short end of the stick. He'll get some gifts from other family, so I don't worry.

Anneli is working on learning her address. She remembers individual parts of it, but she needs help on stringing it all together. She's been practicing with my mom, so naturally her pronunciation of it is a little "fobby."

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