
(Late) Updates

Eric now has four teeth, with another one coming in. Still waiting on his to learn to crawl, although he has mastered sliding backwards on his belly. He finds it really frustrating--he attempts to crawl forward toward something just out of reach, only to find himself going backward and farther away. Cue whining.

He's now pooping regularly. I had been concerned since he was only going once every 4-5 days. I increased the amount of cereal he eats, and now he poops daily.

We have discovered that furry stuff animals scare Eric. Anneli has a fuzzy penguin, and Eric does not like it. It made him cry the first time he saw it. He backs away from it if you put the penguin in front of him, and he swats at it if you get it too close.

Anneli watched "Happy Feet Two" yesterday, so now she loves this penguin. (It has been sitting in her bedroom for the past year, untouched.) She also cried several times during the movie. She is too empathetic and sensitive. She got worried that Eric (the penguin in the movie) was being left behind by his dad, and that Eric would not reunite with his mom. Even at the end, she was still sad.

Anneli is now very much into princesses and dressing up. She still enjoys her cars and other "boy" toys, but she now works in the girly stuff, too. She's been asking (rather persistently) for a princess scooter; it's on her Christmas list, but her continued bratty and whiny behavior may not be helping her.

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